Helping vs Not Helping

Asking me a question and then getting uncomfortable with the heaviness of the answer so walking away doesn’t help.

Judging actions without all the information doesn’t help.

Offering up different ways to fight doesn’t help  (I have plenty of my own but I am trying to bite my tongue).

Telling us how to solve it without all the info doesn’t help.

Not understanding the difference between me explaining the situation and being desperate for a solution doesn’t help.

The only thing that helps is actually helping. 

It’s the friend who calls to say “I have 2 minutes.. I want to make sure you are still breathing.”

It’s the friend who sends a funny card in the mail.

It’s the friend who swoops in on a Friday night to plant and doesn’t even accept a cold glass of water because a)she brought her own and b) COVID.

It’s the friend who says YES when she receives the desperate text that I need to get out.

Helping is just being there to say “Yes. All your positive energy is being sucked out of you right now and you are powerless to change this… but its your life right now and I’m here.”



I fired a guy for that


Not making it up