Random Updates
Honestly. The bain of our existence. S was home on Sunday and once again spent half the day doing yard work. He picked up sticks. He cut the buck thorn out of the forced garden, etc and so forth. When he got too close to the smoking lounge under the deck at one point he got lectured on the proper way to pull a weed.
Then, when we were finally done, our new roommate grabbed her trusty Round up and decided to start spraying. The timing of it is so insulting. Like the parent is literally doing the final clean up after the kid does a half ass job. But in this case is actually her kid and his wife, for most of the day, doing a task they despise in their own home that the parent is living in free of charge - for no other reason than to get the parent off their back. But guess what happened? Somehow in this case the parent turned her ankle while she was unnecessarily spraying the weeds and actually broke a bone in her foot. It is super hard not to just scream KARMA.
Hardest Solution
Her bone health is shit because she has been a heavy smoker for most of her life. She has refused any bone health solutions proposed to her. Obviously she refuses to stop smoking. Following through with her commitment to the hardest and most expensive solution when she thought her foot was broken she didn’t elevate it and ice it. It wasn’t even swollen. She made an appointment at TRIA Orthopedics for an x-ray and now she is wearing a boot. She was proud to report that during this appointment she also passed her COVID test; which didn’t actually happen. She was given the routine COVID screeening at the door which is much much different than the COVID test. You would think someone who watches as much news as she does would understand the difference.
Hunky Neighbor
Last night our roommate started yelling from the basement.
S! S! Is S home???
I mean… should we get a walkie talkie for her? Would that be better or worse?
S went down to see what she needed and it turns out she urgently needed to share that the hunky neighbor was out chopping up his lilac tree in his own yard again. She also suggested he go help. WHOA. Now she wants us to extend our substandard yard work activity to other people’s yards?
No ma’am.