Reluctant Petunia

Gardening. Not my thing. Every spring I buy flowers to put in some pots around my house and S usually remembers to water them and generally they make it through the summer and that is fine. Over time, to increase my chances of flowers in the fall, I have migrated to marigolds. Just marigolds. Those little suckers can survive most anything. Hot temps, lots of sun, sporadic watering, too much rain, they are good. They just bring color to the deck and live. Mission accomplished. Easy.

Do you know what isn’t easy? Freaking petunias. I love them when they are vibrant and alive and full (aka new or at the store) but they require effort and I don’t like to garden.

So naturally after my pots were filled our new roommate went shopping with T and “they” bought me a petunia. And I kid you not she can’t stop telling me what do do with it.

It needs to be hung

You have to hang that petunia

Don’t you have a hook

I have a shepards hook at my house you should get that

When it S going to hang a hook on the garage for that plant

Is S coming home tonight? We need a hook on the garage for the plant

I told T to tell her Dad to put a hook on the garage

You need to water it every day.

It has to be dead headed

Did you dead head it yet?

Its looking limp you should get it out of the sun.

oh is needs water.

have you watered it?

I took it out of the sun yesterday and it is in the sun again.

What is happening with that petunia?

I’ll tell you what is happening. I never wanted it. After my planting was done YOU bought it and now it is just one more vehicle for you to use to antagonize me. I care zero percent about that plant. And if you say ONE MORE THING to me about it I am throwing it out. Because there is always an easy solution in there somewhere.

Yesterday when I was in the driveway with a friend who had just dropped of T from camp our roommate limped outside, narrowly escaping a fall down the 2 steps and with mustard spilled on the front of her shorts.

Oh my god that petunia! I tell you M, I’ve never before met a girl who could kill a petunia.

And that is how the petunia ended up in the garbage.


Shampoo gate

