Just the facts

Our new roommate is barely functioning as an adult. She is passive aggressive and manipulative. She is in chronic pain for her shoulders, lower back, and knees. She cannot always feel her feet. She is both slightly bipolar and slightly OCD. She is selfish. She fixates. She is experiencing memory deficit either because of age or stress related to the fire. Nothing anything else says or does registers with her as important. She is unaware of how her actions impact other people. She has alienated all of her sisters and nearly all of her friends. My husband is her only child. My child is her only grandchild. She sees no novelty in living with us. She sees only inconvenience to herself while not being aware of the inconvenience she is causing. For example, In the midst of us scrambling to pull clothes she could wear out of her smoke damaged home she is telling us every time she sees us that the patio door is hard for her to open.

And we need to fix it. We need to fix it. It has to be fixed. Have you fixed it? I can’t open it. I have to smoke. You need to do something about it. That wasn’t good enough.
Try again.

She is excited about the opportunity to “remodel” because when she is up she loves to spend money. She is fixating on getting to the fabric store so she can buy new fabric to reupholster her furniture. The furniture damaged by the fire/water/smoke. The furniture that she didn’t care enough about to insure. The furniture that she will never sit in and that no one will ever even see because she does not like people coming in to her house.

I am “excited” for the first draft of the insurance claim to come to us so we can see what the association policy will truly cover, at which point we can determine how much she’ll need to open her checkbook for. Because I am not opening mine. Brutal conversations on the horizon.

I listened to an excruciatingly long story about how S wouldn’t let her buy the sink she wanted for her 3rd level bathroom because it was too expensive. “Did you ever use that bathroom?” No. “Did anyone ever use that bathroom or see it?” No. Why are we talking about this then?

She is ungrateful and unappreciative. She has an unwavering ability to fixate immediately on the hardest and most expensive solution to any problem. If you ask her to do one thing she will fire back with several things she wants you to do. All three of us try not to engage her in conversation.

She doesn’t seem aware that I am working from home. She is critical of S for working such long hours. She is critical of Tfor n ot being more engaging. She is likely critical of me for being a bitch. So my goal in every situation is to find the easiest solution for me. The fastest way out. Every time. All day. No matter what. I will find the easiest way out.




Murder. 24x7