Unexpected Surprises

They are never good. I mean, unless they are vacations or jewelry or a $20 bill in your fall jacket pocket.. but those things almost never happen. Also, the unexpected surprises in this blog include but are not limited to the number of parenthetical statements that exist.

We’ve had a few unexpected surprises with our new roommate situation lately.

  1. The building supplies supply chain disruption is real. This means that if and when we get an approved scope of work from the insurance company there may not be enough actual supplies available to complete the work. Let that sink in.

  2. Apparently the disruption within the players involved with the insurance company and the homeowners association etc etc has completed its upheaval. They are starting the process completely over on Friday afternoon. Completely over. Beginning with the walk through with new insurance adjuster and new contractor (who was apparently hired over a month ago but no one told us.) They are basically re-setting the clock back 100+ days. Meanwhile the rest of the world is busy buying lumber, and nails, and sheet rock…. (see item #1)

  3. There were some veiled references from the new “project manager”… (air quotes meant to be rude because his company had the project a full week before reaching out to us and 3 more weeks before giving it to him / him calling us. Either way I expect more from a project manager. At least raise your hand and say “This is my job now, I’ve got this.” ) .. that the final scope wouldn’t be as generous as the initial scope we were awaiting approval on. This means that moving back in might not be an option financially. And you can’t cash out equity on a property with an open insurance claim on it. And (say it with me) “you can’t stay here”.

  4. Our new roommate bought a candle today because she doesn’t want the basement to smell like cigarettes (which obviously it always will because she smokes and that nasty smell lives on her but I suppose this is an attempt at consideration for us because she certainly doesn’t smell it)…. anyway she is burning it. In the basement. It is one of 378 items on a crowded table top. And it smells disgusting. And my husband HATES candles. And candles cause fires and….



Super Power

