
When the day started on Monday we were full steam ahead on hybrid learning, the insurance claim was in limbo and we were afraid it was starting over, and I was prepping for a week of T in 1/2 camp at church during which time I was going to frantically (but with great focus) onboard the new salesperson we desperately need.

When the day ended Monday the new hire had not started and in fact quit an hour before he was supposed to come in and Bloomington switched to distance learning.

Tuesday I had a migraine. Because my body reacts very physically to rage and stress.

Wednesday I decided that distance learning could happen in side our work office if I created the right space, we scheduled an interview for a salesman who came very highly recommended to us, and I was able to confirm with insurance that the initial submitted scope is what they are working off of and intend to expedite.

Thursday we had a very positive interview with recommended sales guy, made plans to meet next week to firm up details and start date, I started transforming the office, and I met some tradesmen at our roommates house to firm up their bid on mechanicals. The newly assigned insurance adjuster is responsive and moving forward. All we need to do now is determine what from the house can be thrown and what she wants to keep. Spoiler alert, if she wanted to keep every smoke damaged Christmas pillow that she hasn’t put out in 10 years she is definitely going to want to keep all of her furniture. But God Bless him, S isn’t a quitter.

I also looked at a condo property for our roommate and resolved service issues at two of our rentals. Meanwhile, S is having another month where he will be doubling the gross sales goal we set and we go on vacation in a week. I am just juggling. All day every day. I am stepping in to do everything he can’t do. My half days in the office have included daily trips to supply yards, resolving service issues and multiple quotes for our non installed customers. So my desk is still a mess and I haven’t even opened my daily checklists all week.

But today is a new day. Buckle up.


Unexpected Surprises


12-24 hours