
Even when you would generally look at a situation and declare it a “there are no victims here” situation she will still find a way to weasel herself into a position where she can declare herself the victim. 

For example:  She picks up her prescriptions at her pharmacy in Apple Valley.    They seem to be in a weekly rotation of refills so her drive to get a prescription is one of the reasons she leaves the house.  The other day when she arrived only one of the three was ready for her.   They asked if she would like to wait the 20 minutes for the other two to be filled.     Outraged,  she said “NO THANK YOU”  and then has complained to me twice about it. 

Example B:  She is allergic to adhesive.  Specifically, when adhesive tape is used on her it actually rips her skin off.   If I was blogging over Christmas we could reference 11 pm  paper tape acquisition of December 23rd of last year as she spent 2 weeks in the hospital over Christmas and they didn’t have any paper tape. 

If it were you,  I hate to ask but I will,  IF IT WERE YOU  would you always have a stash of paper tape to bring with you on appointments where you knew you had to be taped or would you roll the dice and spend the afternoon crying and bleeding because once again they used the wrong stuff?

I even GAVE her my spare roll  (that’s right I keep a stash of it now after the miserable Christmas fiasco) to use when she fell over after the motion light scared her and when she was done she gave it back.   “I don’t need this.”  She said with distaste. Not one week later she was crying because her back was ripped open from a procedure and she had blood all over her pants.   

She has some pretty regular doctors appointments with a variety of different doctors.   Of course she has added in the orthopedic follow up from the broken foot incident.    100% of these appointments have been a fiasco since she moved in with us.  Partly because many are phone appointments and her number is different and it seems very difficult to get her phone number changed.   Partly because she consistently has the wrong day and/or time for the appointment.   And partly because she is so used to being the victim that if they went right she would have nothing to complain about.


Still more history


A bit of history